Missouri Law On Illegals: EXPLANATION

by Glenn Littrell
(archived from www.glennlittrell.org)
While I have not researched the Missouri Law or the references in the article mentioned I will point out that, as the information is presented in this email, there are several differences in the two laws that might explain why one was acceptable and one not. I am sure there are more differences but two primary differences are:
  • the Arizona Law puts police officers in in the position of having to enforce provisions of the law that could lead to 'profiling'. In spite of the claims that the law specifically states profiling is not allowed there is language and instructions that does not clarify how the law is to be carried out without profiling. The Arizona produced training video for law enforcement, available online, is even more ambiguous in its instructions.
  • The Missouri law instructs the verification of immigration status for "any person arrested" the Arizona law says any person suspected, but does not explain 'suspected' in a unambiguous manner. To check the status of someone arrested and someone walking down the street is two significantly different things. One makes since but the other belongs in Russia when it was communist, or the south during slavery.
In the case of the Arizona law the end result will be that more legal immigrants, native born citizens, and African-Americans in Arizona will be profiled than illegal immigrants.
                                                                              GlennDL                               see more
The above was in response to the following e-mail:
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2010 8:22 PM
Subject: FW: Missouri law on illegals

Missouri set the bar!
Simple solutions to not so complex problems!
The "Show Me" state has once again showed us how it should be done.
They need more publication and exposure on this. Let's pass it around.
In 2007, Missouri placed on the ballot a proposed constitutional amendment designating English as the Official language of Missouri. Nearly 90% voted in favor! English became the official language for ALL governmental proceeding in Missouri. It also means no individual has the right to demand government services in a language OTHER than English. We need to take a lesson from that!
In 2008 a measure was passed that requires our Highway Patrol and other law enforcement officials to verify the immigration status of any person arrested, and inform federal authorities if the person is found to be here illegally. It allows Missouri law enforcement offices to receive training to enforce federal immigration laws. (Laws that the federal government is NOT enforcing!!)
The bill makes it clear that illegal immigrants will NOT have access to taxpayer benefits such as food stamps and health care through Missouri HealthNET. In 2009 a measure was passed that ensures Missouri's public institutions of higher education do NOT award financial aid to individuals who are here illegally. The law also requires all post-secondary institutions of higher education to annually certify to the Missouri Dept. of Higher Education that they have NOT knowingly
awarded financial aid to students who are unlawfully present in the United States.
So while Arizona has made national news for its new law, it is important to remember Missouri has been proactive in addressing this growing problem. Missouri has sent a clear message that illegal immigrants are NOT welcome in our state and they are certainly NOT welcome to receive public benefits at the cost of
Missouri taxpayers! Article in "The Ozarks Sentinel" Editorial Opinion - Nita Jane Ayres, May 13, 2010.
Missouri Ahead of the Game in Dealing with Illegal Immigrants

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