They’ve attacked everyone who disagrees with them as ‘socialist’, now their attacking state public servants and unions, and we’ve heard their plans for postal & federal workers. When will you realize that you are not exempt from their list of transgressors just because you think you’re one of them.
They aren’t Nazi’s or Fascist and this isn’t pre-war Germany, but they use fear and hate to push their pro-corporate, anti-worker agenda.
Stand-up speak-out before its too late.
We oppose the following bills because they allow Indiana state government to reach too deeply into the lives and the wallets of our citizens:
House Bill 1468: Seeks to make Indiana a “right to work” state and ultimately drive down wages, benefits, workplace safety and our voice on the job…not just for union workers, but for all workers. If passed workers who choose to join together to bargain for better wages and working conditions would be forced to pay to represent those who choose not to participate, but reap the benefits anyway. This bill is designed to destroy unions and thereby silence the voice of working people in the workplace and the political process.
House Bill 1585: Seeks to permanently ban collective bargaining for state employees, criminalize the encouragement and participation in strikes by public employees and takes away the pensions of those who do. The bill also prohibits even voluntary collection of dues by local and state governments as well as school employers and disproportionately hurts the ability of women and minorities to bargain for better wages and working conditions.
House Bill 1216: Prohibits project labor agreements and renders Indiana’s common construction requirements useless. Specifically the legislation exempts from common construction wage requirements projects under $1 million and all school and university projects. Currently only projects under $150,000 are exempt from this law. Passing this bill would lower the wages of Indiana’s construction workers and open the door to out-of-state workers.
House Bill 1203: An unnecessary bill designed to interfere with worker's ability to designate a union to represent them, if passed the National Labor Relations Board has already pledged to sue the state because the measure is unconstitutional.
House Bill 1538: Bars local units of government from setting a minimum wage higher than a state minimum wage, restricting an important way to put upward pressure on wages.
Senate Bill 333: Seeks to eliminate the use of all Projects Labor Agreements on publicly funded construction projects.
Senate Bill 575: Limits collective bargaining rights of Indiana’s teachers to the point of dismantling them. If passed, only wages and certain fringe benefits may be bargained. This bill eliminates bargaining of hours and days, opening the door to extremely long hours and a longer work week with no additional compensation.
Senate Bill 273: Like House Bill 1585, this bill seeks to permanently ban collective bargaining for state employees and criminalize the encouragement and participation in strikes by public employees.
Senate Bill 001: Allows for outside agencies to be used to evaluate teachers and for teachers to evaluate other teachers. Teachers will not have input into the evaluation tool. The State Board of Education will have to approve the tool chosen by a school corporation, limiting local control. There is no appeal process under this bill if a teacher is fired unjustly. The Superintendent of Public Instruction may revoke a teacher’s license at will. The bill also includes a provision to require that only 50 percent of the teaching staff at charter schools be licensed as teachers.
House Bill 1002: Allows for charters to be established by mayors of 2nd class cities or a majority vote of a school board. The bill allows for acquisition of under-utilized buildings for $1 per year for up to 20 years. The school corporation must maintain the building. Charters have first option at any under-utilized building, meaning the corporation cannot choose to sell it if a charter wants the building.
House Bill 1003: Creates vouchers to allow public money to be diverted to private schools. If passed public schools are estimated to lose $110 million.
***All of the bills mentioned above are in different stages of the legislative process.
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