Pictures From London, Shocking: CRITIQUE

by Glenn Littrell
(archived from
This one I will not brand as a hoax, because in regards to the pictures, the signs and the protest they are true [one picture may actually be from another protest but that's of little consequence here], but I would point out some relevant information even though it might not seem to be relevant by some.
I do not have a population number for Muslims in Britain but I would suggest that the five or six hundred that were reported at this protest where not representative of the much larger Muslim population in general. To be sure most Muslims were likely just as upset by the event that led to this protest but the overwhelming majority did not participate and did not approve of the demonstration. A protest by 500 idiots in another country is only newsworthy here on a slow news day.
I point this out for two reasons:
  1. To say these 500 protestors are representative of all Muslims, as the article states, is like saying that the members of the Westboro Baptist Church in Kansas is representative of Christian's in America. Who is the WBC? They’re the group that pickets at the funerals of fallen soldiers, hurling epitaphs at the families and condemning their sons and daughters for fighting for their nation. Two upcoming events they have scheduled are: This Saturday [tomorrow] in Iowa, "St. Patrick's Catholic Church 4330 St. Patrick Drive WBC to picket the funeral of Capt. [name removed], cut off in his youth fighting a losing battle against the Lord his God. We will remind this nation and those yet still alive that the Lord is killing these soldiers for serving a sinful and rebellious sodomite nation..." and also Saturday in Liberty, Missouri, "Pleasant Valley Baptist Church 1600 North 291 Highway WBC to picket the funeral of Sgt. [name removed]. God hates America and is sending her troops home in body bags. We will stand outside his funeral to warn the living that there is a hell, there is a day of judgment, and the destruction of this nation is imminent. Every person going into that funeral should be on their knees thanking God that they are yet alive and have yet a little space to repent. Instead, they go worship the dead body and the limp idol that lays over the casket..." now do these people at WBC represent all Christians in America, are they any less dangerous than those Muslims? There are idiots and morons everywhere.
  2. Now having said that I am well aware of the arguments that are put forth that if most Muslims are peaceful and not in agreement with these protestors why don't they condemn their actions? Well they do, but unfortunately when these condemnations are reported we tend to ignore them because we are so outraged at the protestors, but the sad truth is they are seldom reported. I would also point out that there is no major outcry from prominent Christian leaders in America in regards to WBC's actions, and when there is it too gets little coverage. Here is the link for some of the responses from Muslims in regards to the "Religion of Peace" demonstration in England:  scroll to the bottom portion of the article.
I'm sure that some will point out that the WBC is nothing like these Muslim protestors. That they would never resort to violence against America, but they are just one group of homegrown nuts. There are plenty more and to that I would say:
  1. Timothy McVeigh [Oklahoma City bomber]
  2. visit there website:  and  to see the extent of their hate.
  3. Eric Robert Rudolph [Olympic Park Bomber]: Rudolph …also confessed to the bombings of an abortion clinic in the Atlanta suburb of Sandy Springs on January 16, 1997; the Other side Lounge of Atlanta lesbian bar in Atlanta on February 21, 1997, injuring five; and an abortion clinic in Birmingham, Alabama on January 29, 1998, killing Birmingham Police Officer and part-time clinic security guard Robert Sanderson, and critically injuring nurse Emily Lyons. Rudolph's bombs were made of dynamite surrounded by nails which acted as shrapnel.

Hate is a terrible thing, lets oppose it not embrace it.

It’s The War On Terrorism, Not The War On Muslims.
Does anyone stop to think that our troops are fighting alongside Muslims everyday in Iraq and Afghanistan? How does widespread condemnation of the religion of the people we are supposed to be liberating affect their attitude towards our troops and our efforts in their country? All it does is raise the level of distrust. By lumping all Muslims together with the religious fanatics we just encourage the long established fears, not just in Muslim nations, that we only want to exploit, convert and rule them.
The above was written in response to the following chain e-mail [pictures have been removed because of their offensive nature]:
----- Original Message -----
From:To:Sent: Thursday, July 22, 2010 7:24 PM
Subject: FW: Pictures from London - shocking

Pray for them.
Just don't let those lamebrain idiots build that mosque near Ground Zero,,,,,it cannot happen....that would be an overt slap in the face to America,,,,,,
Darn scary stuff!

Wake Up Call!
Peaceful as long as you obey.

Pictures  from   London  ~ this is beyond scary...

Makes you wonder doesn't it....can you imagine having a Christian, Jewish, or for that matter any other religious demonstration against Islam in downtown   Baghdad !
These pictures are of Muslims marching through the STREETS OF LONDON during their recent ' Religion of Peace Demonstration. '

[pictures removed]

Why would anyone think that we should be at war with such nice, peaceful  Muslims?!
You need to forward this one to everyone!  These pictures tell it  all!
Muslims have stated that England will be the first country they take  over!
These are pictures not shown on American TV or in American Newspapers, but were forwarded by a Canadian friend who thought all Americans ought to know!

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