Just another hoax: Money Bags

by Glenn Littrell (archived from www.glennlittrell.org)
This one gets re-circulated every month except with the month changed…just look at your calendar to verify its a hoax and stop circulating this. We’re like a bunch of ‘monkey see, monkey post’ idiots. This hoax may seem harmless, but we do the same thing with untrue religious diatribes, political lies, and just plain hateful, ignorant, crap. Fact check something every now and then before you post. Being gullible isn’t an excuse for spreading lies.   GlennDL
URBAN LEGENDS:     FALSEFacebook Hoax: Graphic App Privacy Setting         “This phenomenon is not called "money bags." It's not unusual at all, let alone something that happens only "once every 823 years," for a given month to have 5 Fridays, 5 Saturdays, and 5 Sundays. It's true of any 31-day month that begins on a Friday, in fact. The last time it happened was July 2011. The next time it will happen is August 2014. On average it occurs once a year. And it has nothing whatsoever to do with Feng Shui…”    http://urbanlegends.about.com/b/2013/03/19/enough-with-the-money-bags-nonsense.htm
SNOPES:        FALSE       http://www.snopes.com/inboxer/trivia/fivedays.asp
WAFFLESATNOON:         FALSE        http://wafflesatnoon.com/2012/09/20/does-this-month-only-repeat-every-823-years/
FARMERS ALMANAC:        FALSE           “…But the problems don’t stop there. Every month that has 31 days will include three days of the week five times. For those three days to to be Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, all it takes is for the first day of the month to fall on a Friday. This happens far more often than once every 823 years. Since the days of the week cycle forward one day each year, it would theoretically happen once every seven years for a specific month. Leap years throw that model somewhat into disarray, though…”     http://www.farmersalmanac.com/blog/2011/10/03/will-october-mean-money-bags/

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